FFA Technology

FETS-FFA diagnostics

Speaker: Emi Yamakawa

Abstract: The ISIS-II upgrade project has been started since 2016, aiming for a 1.25 MW proton driver for neutron provision in Europe. A Fixed Field Alternating gradient (FFA) ring is one of the option being a main ring of the machine. In order to demonstrate the reliability of an FFA for required user operations, the design of small-scale Front End Test Stand and Fixed Field Alternating gradient (FETS-FFA) ring is now under study and it will be built by 2027. The development of beam diagnostics is challenging due to its large orbit excursion and the aperture. In this talk, we will present our current developments of beam diagnostics for
FETS-FFA ring.

FFA Technology

Study of beam dynamics of a vertical FFA with multi-coil type electromagnet

Speaker: Kyosuke Adachi

Abstract: The purpose of this study is a design and development of proof-of-principle model for the Vertical FFA. Currently, magnetic field measurement and beam dynamics study are being conducted to design a multi-coil type electromagnet. In this presentation, the current status of beam dynamics study with Opera3d and tracking simulation will be reported.

FFA Technology

Study of a control method for vertical focusing force by using stair-like additional poles in the FFA

Speaker: Yuhi Waga

Abstract: In this study, a control device for vertical focusing force has been developed in the FFA. This device consists of multiple magnetic plates with different thicknesses (additional poles). The magnet length is changed with each radius by arranging the additional poles on the pole sides. The vertical focusing force can be controlled by changing the composition of the additional poles. In this presentation, the reason for the change in vertical tune of the magnetic field at the edge of the additional poles is presented. The control device, which makes use of the magnetic field at the edge of the additional poles, has been developed for the 150 MeV FFA. The experimental results showed that the beam loss due to resonance was reduced.

FFA Technology

Magnetic Alloy Cores for RF Resonant Cavity

Speaker: Chihiro Ohmori

Abstract: The talk will sketch the theoretical basis for the properties of the MA cores, their properties and applications in synchrotrons around the world, and recent MA cavity installations and achievements.